Holiday commercials have been in full swing since before Halloween, so I think it’s safe to say we are officially “in it.” Yep, the holiday season is here! I love this time of year but I’m already starting to feel the pressure of getting it all done – the Christmas cards, the shopping, the wrapping, the house cleaning, the cooking (well, I have an awesome husband for that), the list making…it goes on and on. Even my to-dos have their own to-dos. For example, making Christmas cards also requires me to get stamps, just one more thing on the list.
But all that said, I still love the holidays. This year I’m making an effort not to stress whenever possible. Part of what keeps me sane over the holidays is making lists. There’s nothing more satisfying than crossing something off, and generally if I don’t write it down I won’t remember to do it. I keep a journal where I basically write all of my holiday to-do lists. A weekly “brain dump” as I like to call it. I dump everything that’s weighing on my mind onto the paper then strategically start crossing off each one.
There are 3 things that I’m specifically focusing on so that I’m not stressing over the holidays, though.
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(1) Being realistic
The more I look forward to something, the more it tends to build up in my head. By the time the holidays arrive I’ve probably worked out every detail in my mind as if it’s going to be perfect. This is a recipe for disaster. Who cares if that baked brie doesn’t look exactly like the photo on the Internet. Food doesn’t have to be “Instagram pretty” to taste good.
(2) Maintaining my healthy routine
It’s so easy to just slip into your pj’s, plop onto the couch, and reach for that glass of wine, especially when the house feels extra cozy. I want to make sure that my Peloton rides stay on schedule and that I’m mindful of all those holiday treats. I almost despise New Year’s resolutions, so I’d much rather just maintain what I’m already doing than have to start all over come January. New athletic gear like these leggings helps to keep me motivated, too.
(3) Planning ahead
My holiday to-do list is already several bullet points long, so I’m focusing on spreading the responsibilities throughout the month. I’m the type that takes on too many things at once because I think I can do it all and do it with Wonder Woman-like flair. Ha! I’m setting deadlines for getting things done (like mailing all those Christmas cards) and then everything won’t seem so daunting.
How do you feel about “the most wonderful time of the year?” Do you have specific ways that you deal with the stress?
As always, thank you for reading and sharing!
xo – Erin
3 Ways I’m Not Stressing Over the Holidays appeared first on If you see this content published anywhere else, please email
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