5 Healthy Summer Habits to Continue All Year

Lifestyle / Tuesday, August 13th, 2019

When August rolls around I’m just reminded that summer is, sadly, coming to a close. There are so many things I love about summer that I wish could keep going all year, like sunny days at the pool and baseball games. But just because the seasons change doesn’t mean that everything we love about summer has to end too, and that includes healthy summer habits.

Summer’s slower pace has a way of freeing up my mind so that I can concentrate on the things I want to improve about myself. I like to get organized and tackle house projects in the summer, but I also tackle “me” projects. Hopefully I can continue these all year, or at least until the holidays.

Healthy Summer Habits to Continue All Year | Cathedrals & Cafes Blog

ONE. Move More

I have a tendency to get cozy at my desk for hours. I love working on CathedralsandCafes.com but I have learned to take more breaks from my computer throughout the day. I’ll force myself to get water or just walk outside for a couple of minutes. Building in work breaks makes me more productive, and my girls love a quick game of fetch where we can all get a good stretch in.

TWO. Remember the SPF

This is a healthy summer habit that I am SO guilty of not following the rest of the year. Summer is hot and sunny, so it’s easy to remember to apply sunscreen. But the other months of the year call for it too. I’ve been using the Unseen Sunscreen by Supergoop all summer and I love it. It’s so weightless and goes underneath my makeup without looking cakey. As I get older, I’m much more conscientious of sun damage, especially to my face.

Healthy Summer Habits to Continue All Year | Cathedrals & Cafes Blog

THREE. Take a Meal Outside

One thing I love about traveling in Europe are all the opportunities to eat outside. You gotta love that cafe lifestyle! Eating outside is an instant mood booster for me. It doesn’t matter if I’m having a simple sandwich or an elegant meal, eating outside is just plain fun. Without the distractions of technology (take your food photo and then put your phone away), you can really focus on your food, savoring every bite, rather than just mindlessly eating.

Healthy Summer Habits to Continue All Year | Cathedrals & Cafes Blog

FOUR. Stay Hydrated

Another healthy summer habit I’ve developed is keeping a water bottle close by at all times. It’s been a brutally hot summer here, with temperatures in the triple digits for days on end. Staying hydrated keeps my energy level up and helps keep headaches at bay. Drinking water is good for your skin and keeps you full between meals, too. I like to add lemons, limes, and other fruits to my water to keep it interesting. 

FIVE. Practice Mindfulness

I started mindful meditation this summer and it’s really helped to keep me focused and calm in otherwise stressful situations (like my flight anxiety). I am using my Peloton for this and love the meditation classes. Even a simple 5 minutes makes a huge difference in my day.

Healthy Summer Habits to Continue All Year | Cathedrals & Cafes Blog

So, what do you think? Can I keep these up? What are some healthy summer habits you plan to continue all year? 

xo – Erin

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5 Healthy Summer Habits to Continue All Year appeared first on CathedralsandCafes.com. If you see this content published anywhere else, please email cathedralsandcafes@gmail.com.

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