And just like that, 2017 came to an end. How does this time of year make you feel? Are you a resolution maker? Does the thought of a new year daunt or excite you? I usually have the hardest time answering these questions. Right now I’m just trying to navigate my way through the fog of a Christmas hangover. It was such a wonderful holiday. I don’t quite want to let it go. I love the extra glow the house has from all the lights. I love the smell of sweet-scented candles and all the leftover desserts we nibble on for days. I have a hard time letting go of things that I look forward to for so long.
But at the same time there are a lot of fun things 2018 will bring with it. More things to look forward to and get excited about. We were incredibly blessed this past year and I’m starting to think more and more about the year ahead. Before I get into what I’m so excited about, I have to brag a little on my talented mom. She knew I had been eyeing an adorable pom blanket at Anthropologie and so she decided to hand-knit me one herself! How adorable is this blanket?! It’s super soft and has just the right amount of squish to it. And I love the colorful little poms and the tasseled corners. She is the best when it comes to handmade gifts and I just love this one! Ok, back to the post…
5 Things I’m Excited About in 2018
More Travel
Travel is something I most look forward to. We are fortunate to be able to travel as much as we do and 2018 is going to be awesome where this is concerned. Right now we have plans to travel to Vail, Santa Fe, Nashville, and Scandinavia. We usually head to Las Vegas for someone’s birthday weekend (ahem…moi) and we may be squeezing in Napa Valley and Washington D.C. If you’re wondering how we manage two full-time careers and jet all over the place, all I have to say is thank God for weekends. I live for them! And I’m no stranger to getting up way before the crack of dawn to get on a plane. Sometimes that’s the only way to make a getaway happen.
Family Time
We are blessed with a lot of family between my husband and I. And we are fortunate enough not to live too far from our parents. They are fun people and we love getting together. I’m excited to see my sister-in-law in a few weeks when she comes to visit, and I know I’ll have another “girls’ weekend” in there somewhere. Our family is definitely part of the reason why I find it hard to let go of the holidays.
Bigger Better Blogging
Say that five times fast. Over the holidays I took a bit of a hiatus to just relax and “unplug” for a few days. During that time, though, I worked on some behind-the-scenes things for the blog. I’ve moved the blog from to being self-hosted, a migration and transition process that has been a little rocky and nerve-racking. I’m considering doing a post with everything I learned in the process, because there were definitely a few tears involved. But it’s going to give me full control over my blog and that’s the best part.
I’ve also modified the look of the blog just a bit. You probably noticed that if you’re a regular here. If you’re new, welcome! I’m still not sure I’m 100% satisfied with the aesthetics of my website, but adopting a completely new design is a big decision that I need to think on for a little while longer. What do you think of my blog? Do you find it easy to read? Are you able to navigate it well? Do you like the design? I’m open to suggestions!
Brand Collaborations
I’m extremely excited to be working with one of my favorite brands and I can’t wait to be able to share it with you. It’s my first “official” collaboration and you’re going to love it! I’ll be posting all the details on the blog, but head over to my Instagram and Facebook for more information. You’ll want to follow along on this one, especially because I’ll be doing a GIVEAWAY!
I’ve been working on reaching out to other brands as well. One of my biggest goals of this year is to grow in this area of my blog. I love sharing the brands I trust with you all, so stay tuned for future collaboration announcements.
9 to 5 Goals
As you know, blogging is not my full time gig. I have a few potentially large projects on the horizon when it comes to my day job that I’m looking forward to. I had a few breakthroughs at the end of this year getting meetings with some clients I’ve been trying to meet for some time. I’m pretty excited to see where those meetings lead. Someone has to pay the bills around here, right?
What are you looking forward to most in 2018? Do you have a project you’re working on? Trying to get in shape? Going back to school or getting that great job? Whatever it is you’re looking forward to, I hope the new year brings you health, happiness, and infinite blessings. Thank you so much for sticking with me and following along on this journey. I couldn’t continue blogging if it weren’t for my readers. I appreciate you all so much. Thank you, thank you, a hundred times thank you.
Xo – Erin
Find me and connect on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and BLOGLOVIN‘!
5 Things I’m Excited About in 2018 appeared first on Cathedrals and Cafes Blog.