Like the rest of the world, we’ve been looking for ways to have fun while still following all the social distancing guidelines. I miss a lot of the things we used to do before COVID, so I’ve been looking for ways to have those experiences again right now. Things that give us a little date night experience at home or just ways to feel connected to the outside world again. Depending on where you live, the guidelines and what is available to you might be different. That being said, I wanted to share a few things we’ve done lately. These are 6 socially distant ways to elevate your weekend!
6 Socially Distant Ways To Elevate Your Weekend
Make Reservations At A Local Winery
A couple weeks ago my mom was in town and it was so great! We’ve waited a long time to see each other and finally felt like we could safely have a visit. She’s been just as vigilant as us when it comes to staying safe. She stayed with me for a week and we did a whole lot of nothing, really. I mean, not that enjoying wine, long talks, and puzzles is “nothing” but we really just enjoyed being homebodies together, savoring the opportunity to just be.
My mom and I did venture out one day for a visit to William Chris Vineyards, my favorite winery in central Texas. I made a reservation in advance for a picnic lunch and it was the best! We actually visited during the week, which I know is not an option for everyone. But this would still be a great way to elevate your weekend right now.

The picnic lunch was delicious! We noshed on artisan panini sandwiches, pasta salad, fruit salad, and cookies while sipping a refreshingly crisp WCV Roussanne. It was the perfect wine to have on a warm summer day under the trees (just check out all that condensation on the bottle). And the staff at William Chris is just the most welcoming! Be sure to say, “Enchante, ya’ll,” when you visit!
The rules for visiting wineries have fluctuated so much, so I was very pleased when we could finally return. The atmosphere at William Chris is perfect for enjoying a socially distant afternoon, with tables spread across their beautiful grounds. You can also take your picnic and wine to go.
Outfit Details: Dress ($22 and it has pockets!) | Tory Burch Block Heel Espadrilles (sold out, similar look here and here)
Stream A Live Concert
Another way to elevate your weekend is to stream a live concert. We have been enjoying live streamed concerts from The Houston Symphony all summer, and now they’re offering streaming subscription passes for the new season. There are even “pick your own” packages to choose from. While I miss getting dressed up for a night at the theater, it’s also been fun to be in my pj’s with a glass of wine on the couch. I also love the unique camera angles you get with a live streamed concert that you wouldn’t otherwise see. You can see details of the instruments and feel closer to the performers.
Make An Elaborate Brunch
Paul is always cooking for us, and one thing I’ve been loving is when we do a big fancy brunch at home. I make the cappuccinos or the French press coffee (get my favorite French press here) while he whips up an amazing eggs benedict. It’s really fun to break out the fine china and set a full table just because. These French blue stripe cloth napkins are perfect! I like to make mimosas, too, because without them it’s just a sad breakfast (or so the saying goes). I keep my bottle of bubbles chilled in this marble wine chiller. Brunch is definitely a time to use alllll the tableware!
Take Your Meals “Al Fresco”
Speaking of food, and now that the weather is getting a bit cooler, having dinner outside is a great way to elevate your weekend! We are always on the patio and love setting a table outside for lunch or dinner. A good serving tray is key for transporting things from the kitchen. I’ve had the same wooden one from Target for years and I love using it for cocktails. I also love this round Acacia tray and this melamine tray that looks like marble (melamine is a great product for outdoor use because it’s so durable and inexpensive).
Try making my Pear, Camembert, and Balsamic Crostini next time you dine al fresco!
Have A Spa Day At Home
I’ve been doing an at-home spa day since my early slumber party days a hundred years ago. Ok maybe not a hundred years ago but New Kids On The Block were my favorite band so you get the picture. A cozy robe and a great face mask just make me feel instantly better! I’ve been elevating my skin all summer with Lancome – read my latest review of their rose skincare in this post! I still swear by this ice roller I found on Amazon, too. I leave it in my freezer and it works magic in getting all the puffiness out (especially after a long Friday night on the patio ). I’m also contemplating this hot/cold full face gel mask. Has anyone tried it? It looks like it would feel amazing and the reviews are good.
Go On A Virtual Museum Tour
Although many museums are back open, I’m still not comfortable being indoors for long periods of time around other people, but I do miss going to exhibits and cultural events. Enter the virtual tour! Here’s a list of some of my favorite virtual museum exhibits:
Natural History Museum, London, UK
Also check out this HUGE list from Upgraded Points.
What are you doing to elevate your weekend? Let me know in the comments!
xo – Erin
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