Dog Mom Life Update: Bella Turns 12!

Dog Mom Stuff, Lifestyle / Tuesday, March 10th, 2020

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! We enjoyed mostly being homebodies. But one exciting thing we did was celebrate our sweet Bella who turned 12 on Saturday. 12!!!! Ugh…where does the time go? It’s been a little while since my last dog mom life update, so I thought I would fill you guys in on the little birthday party we threw for Bella plus share some dog mom products I’m loving lately.

Let’s talk about this sweet girl for a sec. Bella is, hands down, the best dog. I know all dog moms say that, but she is truly amazing. We’ve had her since she was 6 weeks old and have loved the absolute crap out of her ever since. She made us a complete family (we called ourselves the Three Musketeers until Lola came along). And she has been the easiest, most well-behaved labrador retriever from day one.

Dog Mom Life Update: A Unicorn Party for Bella! | Cathedrals & Cafes Blog

Bella has had a very exciting life in her 12 years. She contracted parvo at the tender age of thirteen weeks (despite having all her vaccinations) and beat it back like a champion. She has lived in three different homes and has always adapted like it’s no big deal. She rode out Hurricane Ike with us when we lived in Houston, never once batting an eye at the thunder, lightning, winds and rain that frightened us humans. She’s been on endless car rides and in the last few years has enjoyed adding golf cart rides to her favorite things to do. She encountered a rattlesnake in our backyard and knew instinctively to avoid it as well as alert us of the danger. When we brought Lola home, she accepted her baby sister but made sure to let her know who is boss (and rightly so).

Dog Mom Life Update: A Unicorn Party for Bella! | Cathedrals & Cafes Blog

Dog Mom Life Update: A Unicorn Party for Bella! | Cathedrals & Cafes Blog

Dog Mom Life Update: A Unicorn Party for Bella! | Cathedrals & Cafes Blog

Dog Mom Life Update: A Unicorn Party for Bella! | Cathedrals & Cafes Blog

We always enjoy coming up with a birthday party theme and this year was unicorns. Why? Because she is our unicorn. She’s a once-in-a-lifetime kind of dog that continues to amaze us everyday. How did we get so lucky? 

At 12 years young, Bella is still lively, loving, adventurous, goofy and sweet. So it was a no brainer to throw a whimsical unicorn party in her honor. These are a few photos I took of the decorations. I found everything at Walmart, even the cupcakes with unicorn sprinkles. Paul spotted this mini pinata, which made the perfect centerpiece, and Bella patiently donned the unicorn headband for a picture. Like I said, how did we get so lucky?

Dog Mom Life Update: A Unicorn Party for Bella! | Cathedrals & Cafes Blog
Happy Birthday, sweet Bella! We love you so much!

Related post: 5 Reasons Why You Should Totally Throw a Birthday Party for Your Dog

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Dog Mom Life Update: A Unicorn Party for Bella! | Cathedrals & Cafes Blog

3 Dog Mom Products I’m Loving Lately

As in previous dog mom posts, I would like to share some products that we use that have been helpful as dog parents. All of these items are things we’ve purchased that make life with dogs a little easier, more efficient, and enjoyable for us and our girls. This list is definitely “dog mom approved!”

+ We’ve been enjoying our walks with Lola ever since getting The Gentle Leader for her. It eliminated the pulling immediately. It’s been better than any other method I’ve tried and I only wish I’d gotten one sooner. Lola is learning to walk at a heel well with it, and she can still bark, breathe, eat, and drink. It’s not a muzzle and she hardly notices it.

+ I may have been a little premature in getting these pet stairs, but I think they are really the best option when it comes to assistive products for older or injured pets. What I like about this one is that it collapses so you can store it away easily. Bella isn’t quite needing it, but I have noticed she’s slower to jump up on the bed so I want her to get used to them now before really needing them.

+ This indoor tether has been great for keeping Lola safe when we have visitors. She loves to run to the door and greet people, but I want her to not only stay inside when she does that but also not jump up on anyone. This keeps her safely tethered until everyone is inside and she’s calmed down a bit. She is a puppy after all.

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xo – Erin

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