Now that we are all either sheltering in place, practicing social distancing, and/or in some kind of quarantine, the need to stay healthy and active is even more important. I mean, you can only get so many steps in per day walking back and forth from the living room to the kitchen. And no, bringing that glass of wine to your lips doesn’t count as a bicep curl. Although wouldn’t that be cool?
Over the past few months I’ve received numerous questions about Peloton. I share on Instagram about it regularly and have done a couple of blog posts that you can read here and here. In those posts I talk about why I chose Peloton as my preferred at-home exercise method as well as ways to get the most out of your bike. So definitely read those if you’re new around here. Keep reading for a discount code for $100 off your accessories!
But it’s been awhile since I’ve shared an update about my Peloton experience, and now that I’m 250+ rides in, I wanted to take the time to answer some frequently asked questions and share how I’m feeling.
Before we get to the FAQs, I want to say that exercising with Peloton continues to be the best workout regimen I’ve done to date. For the first time in my life I’m enjoying exercise and I look forward to it. I work up what I call a “deep sweat.” What I mean by that is that I’m literally drenched, from my soaked hair to the backs of my hands. It feels amazing to get the toxins out like that. Also, and I’ve commented about this before, working out with Peloton continues to be good for my mental and emotional health as well. I often feel like I’ve ended a therapy session at the conclusion of my ride. Just this morning I did a ride with Jess King and she said the following:
“Just be. You don’t have to be something. You already are something, so you can just be.”
That resonated with me and has been a guiding mantra as I go about the rest of my day, focusing on what is really important, especially right now. Plus the rush of endorphins is like a natural pain-killer and helps with the body’s overall well-being.
One more thing. I am not a medical professional nor am I a personal trainer. As always, before starting any exercise program, you should consult with your doctor or other experts you rely on for your health. Working out with Peloton has worked for me, and while I love it, it may not be right for you.
Let’s get to some questions…
Frequently Asked Peloton Questions
How often do you ride?
I do anywhere from 3-4 rides per week when I’m not traveling. My ride schedule week to week looks something like this: Ride Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (take Wednesday off) or ride Tuesday – Friday (take Monday off). I alternate between 20 and 30 minute rides depending on how much time I have or how I’m feeling. If I do a shorter 20 minutes ride then I will dedicate more time to a strength training class before or after.
Is it just bike riding?
No, there are a lot of fitness programs included with your Peloton bike. In addition to doing bike rides, I love the strength training classes, yoga, and meditation. They also have boot camp and running instruction. Also, there are many rides that incorporate cycling intervals with arms.
Were you a cyclist before?
No. I mean, I’ve ridden a bike before but I was never into cycling. In fact, I had only done one spin class at my local gym before buying a Peloton bike. That sounds risky, but I was ready to commit to an exercise program I could do from home and the hundreds of reviews I sorted through gave me a lot of confidence. It seemed there were many other people in the same boat as me, taking a chance on a piece of equipment that was entirely new to them.
Do you get bored riding indoors?
No, and I think this is for a couple of reasons. First, we have our Peloton bike in an upstairs bedroom where there are no distractions. The bike faces out the window with a lovely view. On a sunny day it’s really nice. The second reason I don’t get bored is that I make sure to mix things up. Whether I’m combining rides with strength training or switching up the instructors, I have yet to get bored because I make sure I’m not doing the same exact thing every time I exercise.
Is it worth the investment?
I know that cost is a factor for a lot of people. Peloton does offer bike financing. I feel the investment is worth it for a few reasons. I don’t have to drive anywhere to work out so I’m saving a little in gas and time getting to and from a gym. The monthly cost for access to Peloton’s exercise content is still less than Paul and I were paying for a gym membership. There is no add-on content that you have to buy later. You have access to all classes and instructors with the same monthly subscription cost as everyone else. Paul and I each have our own login profile so we only needed to buy one bike and pay one monthly fee, too.
What accessories should I buy?
Do yourself a favor and push the easy button here. We opted to purchase “The Family Pack” of accessories. It comes with everything you need from 2 pairs of shoes to a bike mat. If you sweat like I do, you want the bike mat. Peloton does sell accessories a la cart, but it’s a better deal to buy the pack.
Use code 3U7X8S for $100 off your Peloton accessories when you purchase a bike!
Do I need cycling shoes?
Yes. You need shoes with cleats. I find the Peloton shoes to work just fine. You will not be able to ride without the proper footwear. You cannot just wear regular sneakers, as your feet will fly off the pedals and you’ll most likely injure your shins pretty badly. Get the shoes.
Have you had any technical difficulties or equipment problems?
No. Our Peloton is connected to our WiFi and I haven’t had a problem with streaming quality. We did have a small issue with Paul’s heart rate monitor. One day it just stopped working. I chatted online with Peloton’s customer service and they had a new one sent to us in a couple days, free of charge. The customer service has been good.
Do I need to be in good physical shape before starting with Peloton?
As I stated above, I’m not an expert so always check with your physician first. But Peloton offers a variety of rides for a variety of skill levels. There are beginner rides and exercise programs as short as 5 minutes. Instructors always encourage you to exercise at your level, too.
If you’re on the fence about getting started with Peloton, I hope this post has helped you. I’m really grateful for mine!
xo – Erin
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