Stay At Home Survival Kit

Lifestyle / Monday, April 6th, 2020

Things are changing just about daily, and while I am committed to keeping things “normal” around here with the kind of content you’re expecting, I’m also modifying my articles a bit to be cognizant of the world we are currently living in. While we are all practicing our best stay at home lifestyles right now, I thought about what it takes to keep ourselves sane, healthy, and even a little bit improved during this time. Thus, my Stay at Home Survival Kit was born.

Stay at Home Quarantine Survival Kit | Cathedrals & Cafes Blog

Stay at Home Quarantine Survival Kit | Cathedrals & Cafes Blog

I’ve been spending a fair amount of time on puzzles (and wine, of course). I can sit for hours and work on a puzzle, and lately I’ve been hooked on anything that is 1,000 pieces and travel related. I just ordered a puzzle mat so that I can keep track of the pieces and move the puzzle to other areas of the house. The one I ordered is already sold out, but this one is similar and actually less than what I paid.

If puzzles aren’t your thing, I have a few other suggestions. But…

Before I get into my picks below, I want to say that I understand that we are all not in the same boat here. Many of you are now balancing working from home with childcare. Many of you don’t have the ability to work from home, and are therefore finding alternative ways to try and earn income. Many of you may be facing a furlough. Many of you don’t have the luxury of free time while staying at home. Many of you are like me, small business owners working to keep the lights on. Many of you are first responders, healthcare workers, and other essential employees that are on the front lines everyday and not able to stay home – we are all so incredibly grateful for you! My heart goes out to each and every one of you, whatever your stay at home situation looks like. We are all in this together, modifying our lives to meet the demands of the new normal we are living in.

I want this post to help make your stay at home time a little more comfy and at the very least bearable. If you’re not in a place to do any kind of shopping right now, that’s ok too. Please don’t ever feel obligated to buy. xoxo

Stay at Home Quarantine Survival Kit | Cathedrals & Cafes Blog

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xo – Erin

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Stay At Home Survival Kit appeared first on If you see this content published anywhere else, please email

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