Bathroom Organization Tips

Beauty, Lifestyle, Our Home

With all this extra time at home, I’ve been doing some home organization. You can check out my latest pantry project here. This week I tackled my bathroom and let’s just say it was long overdue. Ordinarily I’m pretty organized but over the course of many days of hastily getting dressed or packing quickly, I’ve […]

May 20, 2020

Beautycounter Review: 3 Products I’m Loving


So a few months back I was introduced to Beautycounter by another blogger. Before meeting Jess Gaertner of @Jess.HoldTheSpace (check out her blog, too), I was familiar with Beautycounter as a clean beauty brand, but that was the extent of my knowledge. I was always a bit curious about it, but hadn’t taken the leap […]

March 5, 2020

Looking Back and Marching Forward


Happy New Year! Here we are at that familiar moment in time where the clock strikes midnight and we all feel like we need to drastically change ourselves. More on that in a bit…  Looking back on 2019 feels good (we did a lot of amazing things), but marching forward is what we have to […]

January 3, 2020