Happy January! Let’s Catch Up…

Lifestyle, Travel

I’d say Happy New Year but we’re basically halfway through January at this point (by the way, how is that possible?), so I feel a little tardy to the party. Anyway, I hope January is a happy one for you so far!  Let’s catch up… We had a really nice Christmas and holiday season overall. […]

January 14, 2022

Instagram Roundup | January & February

Fashion, Lifestyle

A lot happens here on Cathedrals & Cafes, but in between all these moments is everything I’m posting over on Instagram, and I don’t want you to miss a thing! Hence the Instagram Roundup! This post features some of my favorite grams from January and February, and it allows me to share even more about […]

February 14, 2020

January Reading List

Books, Lifestyle

It’s time for another reading list! I love these posts. This one is everything I read in January. Well, technically it has everything I also read over the Christmas break, too. It was a good long run of reading time, which is something I enjoy above all other relaxing activities. I can get completely immersed […]

January 28, 2020