Things I’m Looking Forward to After Quarantine

Fashion, Lifestyle

As we enter into our seventh full week of self-isolation and working from home due to Covid-19, my list of things I’m looking forward to after quarantine keeps growing. Having things to look forward to has always been a bit of a coping mechanism for me. When I was a child, any time I was […]

May 4, 2020

Everything We Binged in April During Quarantine

Lifestyle, Movies

When it comes to entertainment, the inevitable question in our house every night is “what do you want to watch?” While millions of us are spending more time on our couches, I thought I would compile a list of everything we binged in April in case you’re running out of ideas yourself. Quarantine or not, […]

April 29, 2020

Stay At Home Survival Kit


Things are changing just about daily, and while I am committed to keeping things “normal” around here with the kind of content you’re expecting, I’m also modifying my articles a bit to be cognizant of the world we are currently living in. While we are all practicing our best stay at home lifestyles right now, […]

April 6, 2020