July Reading List

Books, Lifestyle

I’m still hooked on good ol’ thrillers this month. I don’t know what it is exactly, but I’ve been reading as many thrillers as I can get my hands on these days. I think it’s partly due to the fact that everyday is pretty much the same, and I need that feeling of something exciting […]

August 12, 2020

Favorite Amazon Finds – June

Fashion, Lifestyle, Our Home

So many good Amazon finds, so little time. Like everyone else, I’ve been doing more online shopping and when I find good values, I love to share them! This post is a roundup of my favorite Amazon finds from the month of June. The biggest scores were two summer dresses that I am really pleased […]

June 24, 2020

Everything We Binged in May During Quarantine

Fashion, Lifestyle, Movies

Another month spent staying at home meant another month where we binged a lot of movies and shows. Check out everything we binged in April here! I don’t really like calling our situation a quarantine, because technically that’s not what it is. But that seems to be the standard term these days for staying at […]

June 3, 2020

2019 Summer Bucket List

Fashion, Lifestyle

Every year when summer rolls around, I want to do as they say – all the things! Time slows down, the days are longer, and I’m feeling like anything is possible. Summer is a little like having an endless string of Fridays (my favorite day of the week). My 2019 summer bucket list is something […]

June 6, 2019