TGIF! I want to start by thanking everyone who has stopped by this little blog of mine and liked a post, made a comment, or followed me. It means so much when you put a great deal of effort into something and then see how much others enjoy it and appreciate it. Thank you all so very much. I really can’t say that enough. Sometimes it’s difficult as a lifestyle blogger to know what it is that you most enjoy seeing. Certainly some posts get more attention than others. At the end of the day I just hope that I’ve encouraged you, given you a good idea, or inspired you in some way.
Maybe it’s just the time of year, but lately I’ve been feeling like I need a major disconnect from adulting. Judging by everything I’ve seen on Instagram lately it seems like I’m not the only one. Just about every other post is a photo of a cocktail or a swimming pool. I’m hoping there’s a little pool time in my future this weekend. Until then, enjoy this little Instagram recap of my favorite shots from the week. You can follow me @cathedralsandcafes where I post daily inspiration, a lot of which is not seen on the blog! So let’s be friends!
Yummy Blood Orange Margarita Recipe
Still loving these earrings that I wore for Cinco de Mayo!
My go to for date night, the LBD
My first DIY post – have you made your own custom sun hat yet?
Coffee table books with Shutterfly
Pasta is a food group, right?
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and BLOGLOVIN‘!
C & C Weekly Instagram Recap 5.11.17 appeared first on Cathedrals and Cafes