Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! Most years the Mr. and I celebrate quietly at home with a delicious home-cooked dinner, a nice bottle of wine, and maybe a movie. The comfort of home just sometimes can’t be beat. And honestly, while I do LOVE getting dressed up, going out to dinner, and the whole nine yards, I don’t love fighting big crowds, losing a reservation, and overpaying. It seems like Valentine’s Day just sets you up for disaster. So we usually do something nice at home and then go out for a fun time on any other night than the 14th. But really, let’s all celebrate love throughout the whole year.
We were recently in New York and my husband surprised me with one of my biggest bucket list items – a stay at the beautiful and literary lavish Library Hotel. If you’re a voracious reader like me and have a genuine love for all things bookish, this boutique hotel is your holy grail. Each floor is dedicated to an area of the Dewey decimal system (yes, it’s still alive and well) with themed rooms stocked with books. Evening wine and cheese as well as breakfast was complementary in the Reading Room and you’re just a short walk to the iconic New York Public Library. There’s also a Writer’s Den and Poetry Garden, but don’t leave before having a lit-themed cocktail at Bookmarks Lounge. It was a little cold during our stay but having a “Tequila Mockingbird” by one of the roaring fireplaces was the perfect way to end the day. Unfortunately I left my big camera at home, but I wanted to share a few of the iPhone pics I took. This place is magical and the service is unbelievable! The “Librarians” definitely know how to make your stay extra special. From the lovely welcome note we received upon checkin to the friendly staff available to help you day or night. I cannot say enough good things about this place.
I hope today brings you lots of love and hugs. What are some of your favorite boutique hotels that inspire romance?
This is not a sponsored post. Opinions are my own.
The Best Boutique Hotel in New York City for (Book) Lovers first appeared on Cathedrals & Cafes.
For me, it looks perfect
Agreed, PedroL…it didn’t get much more perfect. Thank you for reading and commenting!
We’ve never stayed here, but we’ve definitely stopped by and love the vibe as well! And your thoughts on V Day are completely in sync with ours (we even talked about it in our latest post!). Great minds… ?
It’s definitely worth a stay, or at least a drink.
I just read your post where you mentioned V Day, too. Completely agree! It’s the little gestures that make the biggest expression of love. Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I really like your IG, so I followed. NYC is a favorite destination of ours. Happy Wednesday!
Yup, we’ll definitely have to go back to the Library Hotel soon.
Thanks for the follow, we’ll be sure to follow back!
Thank you, you as well!
[…] Thank goodness for Thursday, or “Friday Eve” as I like to say! We are past the mid-week hump and from here on it’s downhill to the weekend. This week has been so busy that I haven’t been able to post regularly, and for that I apologize. I’m going to be so happy to see my fur baby and husband tomorrow! I’ve spent the past few days at a conference related to my day job and the topic of conversation has many times involved books and publishing. So I thought I would share my favorite literary spots in NYC that I discovered when the Mr. and I spent a few days there last fall. You can read my other post about our stay at The Library Hotel (mentioned below) here. […]